I have been busy and I have a ton of things to do. We are still working on the house. The tiling is about half done and we are waiting for new appliances to be delivered. I have about three large projects to work on for my sister's wedding that I would like to get done before I head to Wisconsin at the end of July. All these things are contributing to my stress. I'm trying to break it down and do little bits at a time.
Saffron has been with us for about a week and a half now. She's a very good girl. She is pretty well potty trained. We have a crate lined with newspaper that she uses. We can tell she is getting much more comfortable with us as she is crazy! She runs around like a nut for about two hours at a time and then passes out. Right now she is sleeping on the top of the back of the couch behind me. She likes to sit back there and chew on my hair.
I don't really have a whole lot else to say, just thought I would post a quick update.